Dr. Chantalle Cloarec
Board Member
Dr. Chantalle Cloarec is the Chiropractor and Owner of Inner Strength Family Chiropractic & Wellness. Dr. Chantalle was born and raised in Saskatoon. She originally was drawn to seek out a path in dentistry. In her first year of university her path was unexpectedly redirected towards chiropractic – a profession that she knew existed but with which she was unfamiliar.
Elle a terminé ses études préalables à l'Université de Californie et a ensuite déménagé à
chiropractic school at Northwestern Health Sciences University. Dr. Chantalle graduated in 2012, which marked the beginning of her journey offering limitless opportunities of personal growth, life-long learning, saving lives and making an impact that would have a rippling effect. Upon graduation, Dr. Chantalle relocated and worked in Brantford, ON; Winnipeg, MB; and Watson, SK. She gained knowledge and experience in all of these amazing family wellness practices prior to opening her own practice in 2015.
La passion et le dévouement de la Dre Chantalle pour la santé et le bien-être de la colonne vertébrale la poussent à rechercher des occasions de mieux servir sa communauté. À ce jour, elle a participé à des voyages de mission chiropratique internationaux et a voyagé dans toute l'Amérique du Nord pour acquérir des connaissances et des compétences supplémentaires à apporter à sa communauté. La Dre Chantalle est à jamais reconnaissante de sa vocation pour la profession chiropratique et de l'occasion qui lui a été donnée récemment de siéger au conseil d'administration de l’ANCC.