Dr. Cameron Allan
Board Member
Dr. Cameron Allan is in private practice in Port Coquitlam, BC and the CNAC board member for BC. He is a graduate of the New Zealand College of Chiropractic (NZCC), a second-generation chiropractor, and has been tri-registered in Australia, New Zealand and BC, Canada. Dr. Allan was involved with the World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS) at a student level as the Head of Research for the NZCC Chapter, as well as a delegate to the Perth Congress. He was heavily involved in chiropractic politics and education whilst at NZCC and practicing in New Zealand. Dr. Allan appreciates and respects principled chiropractic and the balance of the Philosophy, Science and Art of chiropractic. Dr. Allan is a stalwart supporter that everybody of all ages from birth to beyond should have the opportunity to access quality chiropractic care, and advocates that everybody should have their spine and nervous system function properly and professionally analyzed, regardless of their status of health, presentation, and symptoms (or lack thereof). Most importantly he is aware that chiropractic has its own model of healthcare which is unique, separate, and distinct from other professions.
Chiropractic, Chiropractors and the people we serve, that’s what matters – CNAC is our voice and advocate. “Knowledge is knowing a fact, wisdom is knowing what to do with that fact” – B.J. Palmer.